Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Little Catch-Up

I started working full time at the restaurant on January 12th and since then I have been a bit crazed. My days have mostly gone as follows:
wake up between 12pm - 1pm
get dressed and head to work
work until 1am - 2:30am (depending on the day of the week)
sometimes drink with co-workers
get home and eat/watch tv/internet for an hour or so
go to sleep

I have done very little else than what is listed above. The disgraceful state of my apartment is proof.

The transition to full-time at the restaurant has been good, but at times frustrating. I was initially trained over a day or two and then was let loose to go about my business on my own. People would then check-up on me constantly. It was rather frustrating because either the person checking up on me would give instructions that contradicted what I was told during training, or the person checking up on me would tell me to do things that I already knew to do but just hadn't done yet. I am still on the slow side with some of my daily duties, so when said person would check up on me they woudl see a number of things not done yet. They would then tell me that I have to do said things. Well, I know I have to do them. I am not an idiot. I am just slow (in a non-retarded kind of way.)

I think I finally made it clear that I generally know what I am doing, so things have eased up a bit. I am still slow, though. I am unable to tell yet if I am at least improving. Some days are good, but there are still plenty of days where I feel behind before I even start.

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