Monday, September 17, 2007

Day Two - Bunion Attack

Day 1 ended with some very sore bunionettes. Basically, I have horrible feet. I have plantar fasciitis, which is an arch issue which is exacerbated by walking flat footed and doing high impact aerobic stuff without proper arch support. I also have crazy big bunions and bunionettes. (Bunionettes are bunions that develop at the pinky toe.) I got myself fancy expensive shoe insert orthotics for the plantar fasciitis from my podiatrist. They made a mold of my foot and designed the inserts from that. The stupid inserts take up so much room in my shoes that my bunions are left with no breathing room. By the end of my first day the baby bunionettes were screaming at me.

Day 2 was waaaaay worse. Oh my god was it worse! The bunion pain was so bad that I took my shoes off and stood on them. Remember the perpetually wet floors? I couldn't just stand on the floor in socks, so I resorted to standing on my shoes. Thankfully, I was alone most of the night so no one would notice. Of course there is a lot of movement in a pastry kitchen, so I couldn't go shoeless for very long. By the time my shift was done, the pain was so bad that I wasn't sure if I could get to the subway station without puking or crying. In even took my shoes off when I was on the train. By that point, however, the pain wouldn't subside even when shoeless. I plan on bitching to my podiatrist regarding the side effects of the orthotics. I also need to go replacement shoe shopping stat!

The only other item of note was my battle with the seasoned nuts. I sort of over baked the seasoned nuts. 6 full sheet pans of 'em. Oops! The directions said bake until they no longer look wet. Well, the still looked wet. Anyway, when you over bake seasoned nuts the sugar in the seasoning hardens so much that it becomes ridiculously hard to remove the nuts from the pan. I attacked the pans with a bench scraper (kinda like a wall scraper) and eventually had to put the pans back in the oven to soften the sugar a little. I had to attack the pans with my hands as well and I literally shredded my latex gloves. Who knows how long I was ripping at the stuck nuts with shredded gloves. I eventually looked down and saw that my skin was exposed along every single finger of the gloves. Between the nuts and and the perpetual hand washing with harsh soaps my hands were a mess at the end of the night.

OH! AND I FELL. I slipped on some wet floor and fell!!!! In your face, Uncool Girl! You can't judge me for my stupid questions now! Thankfully I was alone in a storage room so no one witnessed it.


Dr. T said...

:( Sorry about the unfun day... Say, if you haven't already, you might try getting EEEE width shoes. There would be much extra room for the orthotics. The lady in the shoe store said she's never seen wider feet than mine, and wearing ultrawide shoes has definitely helped the sides of my feet, plus the shoes don't burst apart at the seams in two months. Question: Do you think your walking around on your toes when you were little contributed at all to your fascicular (whatever)?

Good luck tomorrow (today?)!

Unknown said...

Slipping Sucks!!! But us pastry chefs must push on!!! I hope your learning a lot though. I am definitely doing my extership at Mesa, Bolo, and Bar Americana. I was supposed to start on the 19th...But When i got back from France...(which was awesome btw!!!)...I had to get surgery on my knee...There was no way to avoid i had to put off my externship. It sucks and im disappointed, but now when i screw up so much, i wont feel alone!!! I screwed up on my trail, they showed me a size of cookies to pipe, and i didn't stick to the size, they started off penny size, and 6 trays later they were half dollar size...oops...but this blog is a GREAT idea...i am definitely going to start one...keep up the details...because i will definitely keep up!!! and comment often!!!


~P.S. - I miss class...i miss no weekends...until i start my extership and they are gone again!!! :0)

Clark said...

No one has to know.