Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a new position

I have started working a new station at the restaurant. I still work dinner service, but now I am mostly the "dominant" dinner service person. My position is responsible for assembling and baking off most of the desserts we serve. I have approximately 4 hours to construct and bake: individual bread puddings, pineapple upside down cakes, apple clafoutis, chocolate tarts and bacon chocolate tarts. I also have to make various batters for those items every other day or so. All in all, it is a lot to do. Oh, and I also have to get all that crap up to the station as well as all the ice creams we will use throughout the night. All in 4 hours. If I had to just assemble and bake things it would be fine, but the moment I have to add to my list everything falls to shit because I don't have enough time. Actually, I am supposed to make candied peanuts and apple brandy sauce as well, but have yet to do either because I never have time to. Someone else has always had to help me out with those items.

I don't find it a stressful position, but I have a lot to get done and don't see how I can go any faster. I don't really stop and chat with people, and I eat my meal bites at a time while doing my work. I may start timing my different tasks to see which are eating up most of my time.

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