Saturday, November 17, 2007


A girl I work with is really starting to drive me crazy. She is a very nice person, and I am sure she has the best of intentions, but she is driving me up the wall. She is always up my ass. Whatever I am doing, she has little thing to share with me. There is always some note of correction, tip or advice (even if it is a task I have been doing for months.) I am sure she thinks she is being helpful, but in reality she is begging for a bitch out. It has been very difficult restraining my tongue and my attitude.

Last night was the worst so far. It really seemed like she added her two cents on every task I did. When I made the apple chips she told me I put too much simple syrup in the bowl. You know what? Who cares. The slices soak in the syrup. As long as the crap inside doesn't slosh out as I carry the bowl, there isn't a problem. Then she tells me somewhat frantically as I head of to the meat slicer with the apples that I need all my sheet pans laid out ahead of time! Oh no! I cannot imagine the catastrophe that will occur if I don't have all the full sheet pan laid out every, taking up too much space! When I returned from slicing, I found she had indeed laid out all the sheet pans for me. I then stacked them on top each other. Cause, you know, I will only be using them one at a time.

Don't even get me started on the petit fours. I used to do the petit fours all the time. Then Chef shifted duties and this girl had to do them. Lately I have been making the petit fours again. When I first started making them again she kept telling me what to do. Last night she wanted to make sure there were enough petit fours for the night. I assured her there were and even told her I counted them. Most people would leave it at that. She proceeds to explain to me how many we need and why.

When I was making the hot chocolate I made the mistake of saying verbally to myself, "Oh, I forgot to measure out the vanilla." The girl hears this and tells me that the vanilla does get added until the end. I have made the hot chocolate quite a few times now. I know when to put in the damn vanilla. I explained to her that if I don't have it measure out and waiting in a cup, I might forget to add it at all. Her "correction" about the vanilla is probably the perfect example of what she does all the time. You can see how it could get infuriating, right?

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