Monday, November 26, 2007

I end up doing a lot of repetitive work at the restaurant. On Saturday I had to peel a little over 40 apples for two different desserts. Usually this happens because we are running very low on a menu item and I am pulled away from my normal duties to make more in a pinch. I may not be the best person for that kind of job because repetitive tasks seem to lull me into complacency. I begin to forget that the matter is urgent, and my peeling rate drops. Then I remember why the apples are before me and I speed up. Without fail, though, I will be lulled again within a few minutes. I am really looking forward to doing service almost full-time. I will probably have completely different feelings on the matter once I am doing dinner service 5 nights a week. (To be fair, I have no idea if I will be doing dinner service all 5 shifts a week. I am just assuming.) No matter what, doing service will be a nice change of pace. I am sick of making coffee cake. I am especially sick of zesting 12 oranges for the coffee cake. I still like making marshmallows, though. I am damn good at marshmallows. My batches always look better than the other batches I come across. :-)

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